My cute friend Katie who
has a killer blog (read it HERE) and is the greatest writer ever, I seriously crack up at all
her posts, did a kind thing and nominated me for the Liebster award. (Define Liebster, a German word
meaning: Dearest, Beloved or Sweetheart). Thanks Katie! This award is given to
blogs with less than 200 followers and is a gateway to get your blog known.
Katie, you’re a gem and I am honored to accept the award. I’d like to thank my
husband for all his support and… just kidding. So here's how it works.
- must list 11 things about yourself
- answer 11 questions the nominee created for you
- choose 11 of your own favorite blogs to nominate
- create 11 questions for them (or use the previous questions)
- let them know they've won
11 is a big number, Katie did 7, I feel pretty good about 5. Here
goes it…
About Myself.
1. I talk in my sleep. From what I’ve heard, it’s pretty entertaining.
2. I ignore commercials until I hear a good indie beat in the
background and I tend to turn my head towards the screen.
3. I love chocolate, anything.
4. There are times I speak unkind words out of hunger (aka:
5. I'm not tall, but my husband is.
Questions from Katie.
1. If you could do anything and money was no
matter what would you do?
One word: Travel
2. Favorite holiday
I love the hype before Christmas: lights, music, shopping, food,
snow, I love it all!
3. What goals do you have for the next year?
Graduate from UVU, spend a stellar summer with my man for sales,
go on a big long vaca during the fall when Cameron & I are no longer tied
to a school schedule, learn a new skill.
4. What makes you happy?
LDS faith
(and Mr. Ricks said I have to add…)
5. Who is/are your biggest role model(s)?
Mom: she is super mom, always selfless
Dad: Hard worker, great example
Grandma: most positive, smiley, laughy and kind person on the
My Nominees:
Hey girlie! Thanks for nominating me! I am super excited! Love ya!